
Brief overview of the GMAT

Now that you are all set to take a leap in the business world, the first step you have to take is to beat the GMAT. Before you beat the test, let's take a look at 

What is the GMAT test, and why should you take it?

 The Graduate Management Admission Test, commonly known as GMAT, is a computer adaptive test (CAT). Most business schools make use of the GMAT score during their admission process. Based on the schools you are applying for, the GMAT score is important in determining your acceptance. A 'Good' GMAT score varies with different schools. Therefore, make sure you look at the schools to determine and understand their unique requirements. 

What is tested on the GMAT test?

 There are four sections that make up the GMAT Test: an Analytical Writing Assessment section, an Integrated Reasoning section, a Quantitative Section and a Verbal Section. 

Scoring system on the GMAT?

The widely familiar number on the GMAT is the Overall, aka composite, GMAT score. Ranging from 200 - 800, the score is a combination of your Verbal and Quant score. This score has a 10-point increment. Business schools pay more attention to this Overall score.

The Verbal and Quant sections of your GMAT test are graded independently, and although the scores for each section range from 0 to 60, scores less than 8 and more than 51 are seldom encountered.

The Integrated Reasoning section scores range from 1 to 8 in increments of 1-point. Certain questions have sub-parts, and one must get each part correct in order to get marks for the question. This score is not included in the Composite score.
The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section scores range from 0 to 6. Even the AWA section is not added towards ones composite score.
The GMAT score is valid for five years. 

How to register for the GMAT?

Visit to register to take the GMAT test.

How to prepare for the GMAT?

We can help you to prepare. We have convenient and personalized GMAT prep solutions that fit any learning style and schedule.  Come in and take a Free Diagnostic Test!

 GMAT is a registered trademark and owned by the Graduate Management Admission Council.


The GRE®, GMAT®, business school and you.

If you want to apply to business school but don’t want to take the GMAT, you may be in luck. More than 1,200 MBA programs now accept the GRE General Test in lieu of the GMAT for admissions, and that means more options for you. Admissions trends are showing that business schools are looking for applicants with more than just a background and experience in business, and that means that the GMAT is not the only test in the game anymore. Before you choose which test to take, you should find out what the schools you are applying to are looking for, and from there the choice is all up to you.

What's the difference?

The GMAT and the GRE are very different tests, but they have one thing in common. No matter which test you decide to take, you'll need to prepare if you want to get a score that admissions officers can’t ignore. Once you pick the test you want to take, your next step should be to choose how you want to prep for that test. We have prep options for both the GMAT and GRE to ensure you get the best score possible.

To help you compare the differences between the tests, check out this handy chart.




Why Take It

The test is required for admission to most graduate schools and a growing number of business schools.

The test is required for admission to business schools only.

Test Structure

The GRE consists of two 30-minute Analytical Writing sections, two 30- minute Verbal Reasoning section, two 35-minute Quantitative Reasoning section, and one 30/35 minute Experimental section.

The GMAT features one 30-minute Analytical Writing Assessment section, one 30-minute Integrated Reasoning section, a 62-minutes Quantitative Ability section, and a 65-minute Verbal section.

Test Format

Offered in paper-based and computer-adaptive formats.

The GMAT is a computer-adaptive test.

How It's Scored

Quantitative Reasoning is from 130 to 170.
Verbal Reasoning in 130 to 170.
The Composite is the sum of these: 260 to 340.

The overall, or composite, GMAT score ranges from 200 to 800 in 10-point increments.




Testing Time

3+ hours depending on the format

3 hours 7 minutes

How Long Are Scores Valid For?

5 years

5 years


So how do I choose?

Our goal is to help you to get into one of your top-choice business schools. We recommend you research the schools you're interested in and find out if they also accept the GRE. Click here to see the list of the 700 schools that currently accept both the GRE and the GMAT.

Which test is right for me?

The best way to determine whether the GMAT or GRE is better suited to your abilities is to get your feet wet with a practice test for each exam. Getting into business school is competitive and you don't want to take an actual GRE or GMAT sight unseen. We offer FREE full-length computer-adaptive diagnostic tests for both the GRE and the GMAT.  Just come into our center!

How will business schools use my GRE score?

Since the GMAT and the GRE are completely different tests, comparing scores on the two is like comparing apples to oranges. ETS (the folks who administer the GRE) and GMAC (the folks who administer the GMAT) both use comparison tools to put student’s scores into perspective, but many MBA programs use the ETS comparison tool as a benchmark. To get the most out of your score and your application, you should research your chosen schools to see what score ranges they require for admission.
Test names are the trademarks of their respective owners, who are not affiliated with The Princeton Review. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University

 GMAT is a registered trademark and owned by the Graduate Management Admission Council.



Drop by at any of our locations and attend our Free GMAT session. The main objective behind organizing these sessions is to ensure you make an informed decision. These sessions will provide you valuable information about the GMAT test and should help clear some concerns you have regarding the GMAT.
1) Free Practice Test
You can drop by at any of our locations and take a FREE practice test. Give the GMAT a shot and see where you stand. The test will provide you with a bird's eye view on your strengths and weaknesses. Our expert team of counselors will guide you to set out a road-map.
2) Free Strategy Sessions
We organize FREE Strategy Sessions where an expert Princeton Review instructor will talk you through questions that differentiate GMAT. You'll also get an understanding of what makes GMAT tough yet conquerable. Learn some of the test taking strategies that can be used on your test day.
3) Free GMAT Sample Class
Not sure if you need GMAT classes? Why don't you drop by for a FREE class? You will get hands on experience of the quality of our instructors and the Princeton Review strategies. 

 GMAT is a registered trademark and owned by the Graduate Management Admission Council.


You can prepare for the GMAT on your terms. At our offices you have various options to choose from, and you get to select the one that best fits your needs and requirements. The different GMAT classes in all our locations adapt to varying budgetary, time, and learning constraints.
You can opt for the GMAT course with confidence. It has never been this easy to decide whether you should take a course with the Princeton Review. All you need to do is opt for that choice of course which meets your requirements and helps you to achieve a higher score. Return on your investment is guaranteed.
You can learn from our expert instructors. Be it with respect to knowing and understanding the nuances of the test or with the teaching style, our expert GMAT instructors will be there to help you in your goal to crack the test. Our instructors keep themselves up-to-date with the latest happenings and continuously improve their knowledge and delivery. 
Below is the list of the various GMAT Test Preparation Options available at our offices. 

Which GMAT Test Preparation Option Is Right for You?

GMAT Classroom

GMAT offers Classroom Sessions that delve into not only the content but also the strategies that are required to ensure you're positioned for success.

  1. 45-hour course with our expert instructors

  2. 10 Full Length Practice Tests

  3. Access to our outstanding Online Student Centre

  4. Materials: In-Class Manual, Quantitative & Verbal Review Manuals, The Official Guide for GMAT Review

  5. Maximum 8 students per batch

  6. Guaranteed Satisfaction

Small Group Instruction

The most personalized GMAT coaching is now available for your benefit. You and your friends can now study together in a closed group.
Max 4 students per class

  1. 45- hour course with our expert instructors

  2. Additional Extra Help can be booked

  3. 10 Full Length Practice Tests

  4. Access to our outstanding Online Student Centre

  5. Materials: In-Class Manual, Quantitative & Verbal Review Manuals, The Official Guide for GMAT Review

  6. Guaranteed Satisfaction

Private Tutoring

We offer you with a personalized one-one session with our expert instructors. The program can be customized based on your individual requirements.

  1. Personal GMAT Training

  2. 10 Full Length Practice Tests

  3. Access to our outstanding Online Student Centre

  4. Materials: In-Class Manual, Quantitative & Verbal Review Manuals, The Official Guide for GMAT Review

  5. Guaranteed Satisfaction

GMAT Live Online

Can’t come in person for the classes? We have a solution for you. Take our GMAT Live Online course.

  1. GMAT Training provided online

  2. 10 Full Length Practice Tests

  3. Access to our outstanding Online Student Centre

  4. Materials: In-Class Manual, Quantitative & Verbal Review Manuals, The Official Guide for GMAT Review

  5. Guaranteed Satisfaction

 GMAT is a registered trademark and owned by the Graduate Management Admission Council.



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